Wine As A Gift: Red Wine, Rose or White Wine?
It is not new for many to give wine as a gift. Wine is indeed a flexible gift; it fits any occasion, not unless you will give it to a teetotalist. But if you think that the alcohol tax in Singapore is much more complicated than choosing a wine, you are wrong.
Wine can be complicated, especially choosing between red wine, rosé, and white wine. But what is the difference between the three popular alcoholic beverages?
Red Wine
Red wine comes from red and purple grapes, crushed, macerated, and fermented with the grape skin.
Similar to red wine, rosé comes from red and purple grapes. They are crushed and macerated with grape skin. However, the maceration only takes more or less 48 hours, giving only a tinge of red colour. Then the grape skin will be extracted from the wine to prevent further bleeding.
White wine
Another type of wine you can find at a wine cellar in Singapore is white wine. White wine comes from red or green grapes. The maceration process of white wine excludes the grape skin to prevent staining the drink.
Red wine
Depending on the age, red wine can be cherry-red to bluey-purple. It can appear brown and bronze when it is super old.
Known for its blush, rosé wine colour can be between pale orange and near purple. The deepness of the colour depends on the grape variety used in creating rosé and the maceration period.
White wine
White wine is not really transparent. It has a straw yellow to yellow gold colour. The golden tint comes from the natural juice colour of red and green grapes macerated without the skin and seeds.
Red wine
Red wine tends to have a dark and sweet flavour. Generally, it is dry and bitter. Red wine also had a robust fruity, woody aroma. The taste depends on the grape variety and the fermentation period.
Fresh from the storage of wine, rosé tends to have a mix of fruity and floral profiles. It can be sweet and savoury and most often dry but light.
White wine
The flavour of white wine depends on the grape variety and fermentation period. Generally, white wine has a hint of citrus, fruity, and tangy flavour. It has a floral scent or aroma.
You can base your options on the taste preference of the recipient. Nevertheless, wine as a gift is highly appreciated by many.
Find the right wine for you at the Singapore Wine Vault. Visit Singapore Wine Vault’s wine cellar in Singapore today.