
Tooth Sensitivity: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief

Tooth sensitivity is a problem that anyone can face while consuming hot, cold, sweet, sour, or other drinks and food items. There can be sensitivity even when you are breathing cold air. This can cause sharp, sudden, and shooting pain in the tooth nerves. There are various treatment options available for this problem, and in this article, we will learn more about this topic. 

If you have ever felt discomfort with tooth sensitivity hypersensitivity, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible in Palm Harbor. There are various quality dental care in Palm Harbor where you can visit and find solutions for your problems. 

What is Tooth Sensitivity? 

Tooth sensitivity is a problem that occurs in the underlying layer of the teeth, which becomes exposed due to erosion of enamel. The underlying layer is known as dentin, and it is below the enamel. When there is a severe erosion of the protective layer of the teeth, enamel, the dentin is exposed and has to face sensitivity. 

What are the Major Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity? 

Tooth sensitivity might pose certain important symptoms, such as pain and discomfort while eating or drinking any food product. The pain would be felt at the roots of certain teeth, and therefore, it is considered one of the important symptoms of tooth sensitivity.

The major triggers for tooth sensitivity are hot and cold food and beverages, cold air, sweet food and beverages, brushing or flossing the tooth, or other alcohol-based products. 

What are the Major Causes of Tooth Sensitivity? 

Various factors lead to tooth sensitivity, and some of them are as follows: 

  • Brushing too hard: If you have a habit of brushing too hard or using hard-bristled brushes, then the tooth enamel can wear down. This can lead to exposure to dentin and also lead to gum recession. 
  • Gum Disease: If there are inflamed or sore gums, then it can lead to high sensitivity. This is because there is a loss of supporting ligaments. This exposes the roots directly to the nerve of the tooth, and therefore, the sensitivity is felt. 
  • Teeth Grinding: Teeth grinding also leads to erosion of enamel, and therefore, it can lead to exposure of dentin. 
  • Plaque: There are some cases in which the plaque buildup can lead to sensitivity. 

What is the Best Treatment for Tooth Sensitivity? 

  • Use desensitizing toothpaste so that it can help you decrease the sensitivity. 
  • It would help if you also tried to maintain good oral hygiene, which will help you stay away from sensitivity. 
  • Always try to use soft-bristled brushes. 
  • Try to use fluorinated tooth cleaning products as it is important to decrease the sensitivity. 
  • Visit your dentist regularly. If you are not having any positive impact from these solutions, you should consult your dentist for better treatment.